Hector Tribute and Obituary
I received this from Hectors friend David and knew i just had to share
Had me crying and laughing .here’s to ya Aussie mate !!!!
Hi Janna,
I hope you’re all doing well at Wandering Souls, JannaJives etc.
I thought I’d let you know that I visited Haskel’s family yesterday(Sunday afternoon).
We had a chat in his loungeroom for around half an hour and they wanted to know if I’d feel comfortable with moving his tech & capping gear out of his room into another room. His sister has been staying at the house, and they thought it was time to clear a few things out.
It wasn’t a problem for me – although he had a lot of new stuff to perfect his capping procedures. So I had to identify lots of gadgets.
They gave me back an old monitor I loaned him, and a cheap tablet, and my old 2.1 speakers.
His two sisters, his dad and brother in law were there and I stayed and shared stories for a couple of hours. Inevitably, it was quite emotional and heartfelt, particularly for them, as they didn’t know how well I knew Haskel and didn’t quite realise that we spoke on the phone several times a week on the phone for the last 10+ years.
I think his server would’ve lapsed by now. I found an outstanding August invoice for it, so I suppose many of his old links would’ve 404ed by now, but I think many of his torrents will live on for years to come!
Mostly, I wanted to send you something Haskel’s father gave to me – a photocopy of the Jewish News (Sydney) 25 Sep 2015.
Please feel free to share it in the shoutbox, Hector Tribute, or wherever you think is best.
I’m so happy that you’re still keeping the sites going, and love that you’ve kept the tributes too.
All the best!
Olav ha-Shalom to Heskel נוח על משכבך. I only knew him as Hector and was very appreciative of the 100s of links I downloaded from him. I had know idea of his colorful life. Thanks to David for sharing this wonderful article and to WS/JJ for sharing with the members.
I just miss him
Me too sweetn… Me too…
Thank you Hector for your Wentworth rips. I appreciate all you’ve done for us. Rest In Peace, bro.
thanks for all those little things Hector.Thankyou for the biggest too.Time spent in your company.I hope your happy whereever you are m8.
Wow… sad that some mod felt the need to remove all the comments and links sharing Haskels works. Makes me sad , Oh well just shows what he really meant to the community here.
wow sad that you make a statement like that at all,no one has removed anything,the original was lost when the blog was lost so please why not ask about something before you make statements like that,Hector is very much loved and you don’t have a clue really !!!
Hector we all loved you and miss you you will never be forgotten.
Ooooooo 🙁 Still so very sad that Hector is no longer with us. A good friend to this site, Janna and so many others, myself included. He was…
JANNA: I have a doc file (30 pages) of the original memorial page (from July 21-27). If this in any way can be of use, let me know & I will send it.
Yeah, Sorry but I am still sad. And miss Hector.
I guess I should not expect anything to remain, lots of things get lost. I should learn to just not talk online, I always say things I think and it just upsets people.
Id really like to say a huge thanks to all who are sharing complete seasons of hectors work. (x264.hector)I think its such a great tribute to what he did and I know that a lot of what he did will most likely be lost but it will show the heart of this community of how much we admired him. If you have a complete season, would love to see it posted. thinking of you mate.
Mr C
Music for Hector
Yellow Submarine (1968)
Thank you MeSelf. Hector sure did love his music! And shared it so generously!
Happy Holidays to Everyone!
Special thoughts in my heart for Hector’s family & RL friends. What a great loss for them, and us all!
Love & miss ya Hector!
This hive is soooo good,but it hurts sooooo bad. Sammy I love you and miss you every day…still…that will never change…true colours you dearest girl *heart* I well/tear up every day when I think of you and I know you don’t want that so I’m gonna try harder to smile *through the tears* Why’d ya have to go?!
Still wishin’ n hopin’ too somehow it’s some huge elaborate wind up from the big man himself. Hector I still yell out loud atcha ‘nooooooooooooooooooo’
So much love is what you both brought, love and fun and friendship —<--@
As long as there will be people to remember you, you will still be here with us.
Just thinking of you today Hector. i miss seeing your comments on here, you’re never forgotten 🙁
I found some rare footage of John Bonham a couple of days ago and got so excited then realised no, I wouldn’t be running anywhere to share it with Hector. Sadly missed.
I knew Hector from KAT as he was the guy that shared Wentworth and he was just a generally happy bloke to talk to once in a while.
So once the new series of Wentworth came around this past week, i felt such a sense of sadness because i knew the previous series that he capped and released would be the last id see through him and the effort and time and work he put in to giving people around the world a chance to watch 45 minutes of a telly show was his last.
I hope wherever he is, he doesn’t mind im getting it elsewhere now and that he is bloody missed!
Hector – A true blue Aussie and top fella!
Hector, I still miss you my friend. Where ever we go after death, I hope to meet you again!
Sad that this memorial post will go with the end of the server in August.
Janna and Hector and Sam have provided me with more than could ever thank them for. It is great sadness that JannaJives will be no more.
thank u Hector,still miss u m8.See u when I get there Hazza. Oh BTW,keep the bowl full!
Buy Mr H
been a sweat ride bro
always with you mate
meet you on the other side
I know you were a big part of this site
loved the times and jokes we played
big salute bud
Mr C